Commercial Mediation

Mediation can be used to resolve almost any issue. Even yours!

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a collaborative process for resolving disputes. Conflicting parties are assisted by a neutral third party (the mediator) in finding mutually agreeable solutions.

Get it off your chest.

Our mediators are experienced in creating a comfortable and confidential environment for you to talk about issues with the others parties in the dispute. The mediator is there to help outline these issues, keep your conversations moving forward, and to help everyone brainstorm possible solutions.

You are encouraged to work together to develop lasting solutions that satisfy everyone involved, which means you have control over the outcome of your situation.

Some issues that we commonly see include:
  • Business Ownership
  • Commercial Property & Real Estate
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Contract Disputes
  • Construction-Related
  • Healthcare-Related
  • High-Value Legal Disputes
  • Partnership Disagreements
  • Government Contracting
How It Works

Brief individual phone interviews are conducted with additional follow-up to determine the parties’ issues, appropriateness and availability. This information will be used to assign the most qualified mediator to your case and provide background information before the first session.

Once the intake is completed, a certified mediator will be assigned to your case. All mediation session scheduling will be done through email taking into account each party’s availability, as well as that of the mediator. Once a mediation session has been scheduled, both parties will receive an email confirming the date, time, and location of the mediation session.

Mediation Session
During the first session each party will have the opportunity to discuss their issues and point of view without interruption. The mediator will help the parties identify all of the issue that need to be discussed and brainstorm possible solutions. Mediators will keep the sessions non-confrontational and structured, which allows parties to participate in good faith and focus on reaching mutually agreeable outcomes.

If both parties are in agreement, the mediator will draft a provisional agreement, which parties may wish to have reviewed by legal counsel. When everyone is satisfied with the terms,, parties will sign the agreement, which then can function like a contract.

If you have a pending court case and wish to mediate in court, please click here.

Our staff will work with you to explain our services in more detail, recommend an approach, and complete intake questions.