General District Court Mediation

Mediation — an alternative approach to the judicial process.

NVMS has been helping clients resolve civil disputes for more than three decades, removing the stress of navigating the local court system.

NVMS receives funding from the Virginia Supreme Court to ensure that mediation is available at the General District Court level as an alternative to the traditional judicial process. Certified by the Virginia Supreme Court, NVMS mediators facilitate cases for the following courts:

Mediation, a voluntary and confidential alternative to litigation, is offered at no cost to parties.

Mediation allows parties to have more control, flexibility, and creativity over resolving their disputes versus a judge deciding the case for them. A judge will rule which party wins – and even if the judge determines if money is owed, payment is not enforced. On the other hand, mediated agreements are based on the parties hearing each other and negotiating the exchange of goods, services, or payment with agreed-upon timelines.

The Mediation Process – Online

For parties seeking online mediation: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of our mediation sessions are being conducted virtually at this time. Parties have the ability to negotiate their case with a certified mediator via video conference, which can be conducted by computer or smart phone prior to their scheduled court hearing.

Please contact NVMS’s Court and Community Programs coordinator at for more information.